Monitoring & Observability
Monitor your cloud, on premise and hybrid environments.
Measure performance, availability and utilization with pre-built dashboards and alerts. It works without any changes to your applications.
Core Values
Resource Provisioning
IAC - Terraform, using OPA (Open Policy Agent), enforce policies on Cloud resources and integrate OPA with terraform.
Application Performance
Measuring application performance gives you code execution visibility and code exception diagnostics.
Logging and Analytics
The root cause analysis for issues and easy to diagnose the problems and review logs.
Metrics Collection
Cloud services metrics for better reports. Monitor RAM, DISK, Network and other resources. Customer Prometheus exporter to support other requirements.
Dashbaord and Alerts
Grafana dashboards for clear visibility, and alerting for the support team.
For Compliance and Status
Policy Check automation with PacBot and StatusPage reporting and dashboard.
Our Process
- Assess the Requirements and Needs
- Build the Infrastructure or Application
- Ship to the World
- Observe the Application and Infrastructure
- Cloud Support
Want peace of mind knowing your entire infrastructure is being monitored and kept stable? Let us work for you and implement observability solutions!