Performance Optimization for Magento2 based eCommerce Store deployed on AWS

When a food retail business in Germany was in trouble, they needed a cloud transformation partner to help them move their eCommerce store to the cloud. Here's how Easesol helped them overcome their difficulties and improve their application performance.

The Situation

We were recently approached by one such client who had deployed the Magento2 on AWS but was facing issues with the performance of their food retail application. The application was not able to support multiple users due to a lack of proper environments for testing, so they were constantly running buggy software that would crash at the drop of a hat.

The poor performance of their application meant that it could never run more than 10 or 15 users at once, making it impossible for the client to run marketing campaigns and grow the user base.

Magento2 is a powerful platform, but it can work even better when deployed on AWS. When the customer found itself struggling with multiple environments, performance optimization, deployment, and project setup on Magento2, it turned to Easesol for help.

Easesol worked with them as a technical partner, determining the best practices in the development process, providing expertise on infrastructure solutions, and preparing for GitOps with CodeCommit and Magento2 Cloud.

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The Problem

The client came to us with several problems:

The cause of these problems was a lack of multiple environments for their application—they were performing everything in production, which meant that they were running buggy software nearly all the time.

Application performance was so bad that only 10 to 15 users could use their application at any given time. They were never able to run marketing campaigns to increase their user base or drive more sales through their online platform.

They needed multiple environments for setting up their development, staging, and production environments.

Magento2 is a very complex and powerful platform, but when used incorrectly it can be incredibly slow and difficult to maintain.

Therefore, they needed help with the application deployment process for production. They did not have a reliable way of deploying code to production before we stepped in.

Moreover, the client was challenged by the project initial setup on Magento2 Cloud. It's always difficult to start working on a new project, especially when it's as complex as Magento2 Cloud.

So they wanted to follow the best practices for the development process given the complexity of their codebase and workflow.

They came to Easesol because they were having trouble managing their cloud-based applications. It was as if they had deployed the application on AWS, but it was still behaving as though it was offline.

We were delighted to take on this challenge.

The Solution

One area where Easesol provides significant value is performance optimization. Because so many elements go into application performance, it's essential that the right tools are in place to measure its effectiveness. Easesol can help you identify any bottlenecks and create a detailed plan to maximize your application's performance.

Since the application was based on Magento2 Cloud, we immediately knew we were the right company to help.

Since Easesol is a veteran of Magento2 and AWS, we knew exactly how to structure the best practices for the development and optimization of the application.

Easesol's team of experienced developers stepped in to take over as Technical Partner for Magento2 deployed on AWS.

By participating in design and development while providing expertise on infrastructure solutions and strategic direction, Easesol was able to manage Magento2 cloud and AWS services with ease.

Easesol revamped the complete infrastructure to run the application in a highly available manner. Moreover, Easesol created CI/CD pipelines for multiple environments.

Easesol also managed Magento2 based application releases, provided expertise on system architecture, prepared technical requirements from functional requirements, and set up GitOps with CodeCommit and Magento2 Cloud.

When all was done, the client had gone from a slow-moving infrastructure project to a fast-and-easy one that helped them get their product to market faster than ever.

The Result

After careful analysis of the company's needs and goals, Easesol delivered solutions that addressed all of their problems.

Thanks to Easesol's help with infrastructure, strategic direction, system architecture, and technical requirements, the institute is now able to use Magento2 Application deployed on AWS effectively and take advantage of its benefits.

We worked as technical partners for their Magento2 Application, and we know that's why they got the results they did.

Within six months, we had reduced application downtime by 37%, meaning our client could reach more customers and make more sales as a result of our work.

The best part? We're ready to do it all again—for you!


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“I am writing this to say how much Easesol helped us with our issues. We were having a problem with the Magento2 Application deployed on AWS and related services. They gave us a solution that addressed everything we needed to do and even took the time to explain how it all worked. I would recommend them to anyone!”

Chris H

Technology (HOD)

Co-founder, Unknown